
University of Toronto

Bachelor of Applied Science, Major: Computer Engineering
A sign that says, 'University of Toronto.'

With my computer engineering degree, I plan to also earn at least one minor and one certificate that will enrich my education at U of T. I currently have many interests, especially in bioengineering, sustainable energy, advanced manufacturing, and electric vehicle design. Being able to apply sustainable energy is valuable and much needed today. I am also fascinated by the design and components of cars, considering I am a licensed driver and always want to learn more.

Havergal College

Ontario Secondary School Diploma, Global Learning and Leading Diploma
Chloe taking a picture with her mom at the bio wall on her high school graduation day.

My six years at Havergal was one of growth and exploration. I am grateful to my mom (the one of the left) for pushing me when I felt like I could not, and for always believing in me. I learned how to embrace change, conduct research, and be a leader all while staying close to my friends, peers, and my lovely House mates (Roll EN 🦁). I graduated Havergal College with the Ontario Secondary School Diploma and with the prestigious Global Learning and Leading Diploma. Since I was nominated for one of the Old Girl/Alum Class Representative positions, I will continue to be involved in the Havergal community, ensuring that the class of 2024 stays connected. As I navigate the next chapter of my personal and educational journey, I will take the lessons learnt and the fond memories that were made.